Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ramadan Resolutions

Kind of like "New Year's Resolutions", I thought it would be a good time to start the Republican strategy for my life:

1. Fiscal conservatism
2. Self-discipline
3. Jif creamy (As opposed to the Democratic strategy, Adam's Organic)

Look for many more absurd categorizations like this as we progress through elections season.

What I mean with regard to my resolutions is, you would think Ramadan would make it really easy to stay on the get-fit programme. Well, it's exactly the opposite. By the time you get home from work starved stupid, you're liable to run to the grocery store and cram any kind of rapid-preparation food you can find into your face. For example, top ramen, and/or butter crackers with butter. Not exactly the apex of a nutritive diet. This is where self-discipline comes in : exercise some restraint for 10 minutes and make yourself a salad, or some rice.

Then there's the fiscal conservativism. It's downright tempting to order Gyros every night of the week - but that would be highly imprudent. It is much more cost-effective (and time consuming) to go buy salad ingredients, and cook rice.

Then there's Jif - this is a combination of self-discipline and fiscal restraint. Adam's costs 3 times as much, and Jif is highly portable, making an excellent sneaky-bathroom-snack at work and supporting the continuation of healthy eating habits later into the evening. Yeah yeah there's some transhydrogenated fats in Jif, but I've been skydiving before. It's not like I think I'm never gonna die.

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