Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just have to share

So I'm coming out of seclusion to share this bit of pricelessness;

My department at work is going to Chili's for a department "end of the year lunch" kind of thing, so the lady organizing it brings take out menus to work for us to choose what we want, she can send the order in early save time, etc.

I walk by the front desk and there's a group of my three most Indian of Indian colleagues, all crowded around a single menu and scruffling their eyebrows to and fro as if trying to decipher heiroglyphics.

"Vat is thees?" One says.
"Sal-Mon?" The other sounds out.
"Google it!" The third suggests.

They proceed like this all afternoon, poring over the mysterious items listed on the Chili's menu, finally deciding on cajun chicken sandwiches (for the hot peppers) and virgin margharitas. :)