Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hello in Malayalam

Priya's been asking me to teach her Spanish, so today I taught her how to say 'hola' and 'como estas' in exchange for some Malayalam. Priya is from Kerala, in Southern India, and she speaks Malayalam, and just getting the pronunciation of the name of the language right took me awhile. They have two L sounds (that I know of so far) in Malayalam. And you'll notice, there are two Ls in the word "Malayalam". It's actually a palindrome. Priya pointed that out to me by saying "it's one of those English things" while waving her finger back and forth through the air in a symmetrical pattern.  "Like racecar?" I asked her. "Exactly." She said. "I know what you mean," I said.

I wanted to know how to say "how are you" in Malayalam.  It's actually, "are you well?", and it's "Sukharam?"  And hello is "namastaram." I'm in search of a Malayalam word that doesn't end in 'am'.  Priya says that nobody ever uses namastaram, instead they all say "hi", a holdover from British colonialism. I told her the Chinese say "have you had your lunch?" instead of "how are you?". She asked how to say "have you had your lunch?" in Spanish. I told her, "ya comiste?" Then Mariam told us how to say "arabic" in arabic, and truthfully if you don't speak arabic you can't pronounce it. So I pronounced it the English way, which also happens to be the Spanish way. After that our heads exploded.

So far Arabic kind of reminds me of German, probably for all the gutteral sounds. And Malayalam reminds me of Pig Latin. The Greeks used to make fun of the way Barbarians talked by mocking them, saying "Bar, bar, bar, bar, bar," ha, ha, ha very funny (that's why they came to be known as Barbarians.) Today, I like to make fun of the way the Dutch sound by mocking them, saying "opedy dopedy mopedy wopedy opedy". And you could easily make fun of Malayalam by saying "I'm-am going-am to-am the-am store-am today-am." But I hope we'll keep this exchange up; I can't wait to ask about Malayalam verb structure. 


Max Power said...

I said goodbye to your boy today, which kind of made me want to cry. That made me want to puke. That's 3 orifices, so that's nice.

Stanley said...

Every time I read this blog my eyes wander down to the ad in the corner: "Barack Obama Exposed" it announces. I click on it thinking I'm going to see a nude beach shot or something, but to my surprise it's a laughable diatribe curtesy of the right-wing freak show. Can't you do something about the contents of your advertising? If I say something like George Bush is the second worst president in history (next to James Buchanan)can I get some liberal ads or at least something about Bicardi's new malt beverage?

Stanley said...

Dude we were reading this blog at the same time and commenting at the same time. It's like we share the same soul.

Agn! Sharman said...

Hey Salazmeyer,

The best way to learn is to listen to someone talking in Malayalam or Listen to some good malayalam songs.

Here I have a collection of Malayalam Songs to listen with video.

End of the day you will have a Truck load of Malayalam words to ask Priya.... "what does this word mean" LOL

Good luck. Start singing in Malayalm soon...


(I am sure your frien Priya would love this collection too...)

Agn! Sharman said...

This is another Super Duper Diauloge by a Very Famous senior actor called Thilakan from this movie called "Sandesham" meaning The Message. This movie is from 1991.

I have titled it "Oru adipoli dialouge delivery by Thilakan."

Enjoy this one too...

Alicia said...

Max and Dan, you are a match made in heaven. Malayalam music videos? Sweeet.

കിഴക്കേവേലി said...
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