Sunday, April 27, 2008

Emiratis Vote Barack

Lately I've been asked by a lot of people around campus if I'm for Clinton or the other one. "You mean Barack Obama?" I ask them. "Yes" they reply; "the other one." "How do you know I'm not voting for McCain?" I say. "Who?" They ask. "Nevermind," I say. I usually put on my thinking face for a moment before replying, "well, I'm not sure yet. I haven't decided," at which point the person I'm talking to freely endorses "the other one." For example, a male paramedic student I was talking to today, explained to me how he likes Barack Obama because he is handsome, much like Putin. Do I know Putin? He's from Russia. Yes yes, I know Putin. I'm not necessarily sure I'd agree that either one of those mugs could be considered handsome, per se, but I suppose as politicians go they're above average. We have Obama Girl, after all. I didn't get a chance to quiz this student further on his political views, because his friends dragged him away in a fit of laughter. I'm sure that to them, it's absolutely hilarious to carry on a conversation about politics with your female teacher. To me, it's absolutely hilarious that you would openly express a political preference based on handsomeness. I mean, at least Americans bury it in some kind of passable nonsense; "oh, I like Obama because he's SO well-SPOKEN." But the more I think about it, the more I think Putin is a great, great leader....

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