Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today at work we got a request for the full series of 'Gilmore Girls' on DVD. I'll just let that stand without further comment.

To see what we've been up to lately, I recommend you check out Emmo's blog since she's been much more active at logging our activities than I have.

Yesterday we dug through Dan-O's box of heartbreaking love letters from Chinese girls who fell hard for his irresistible charms back at Camp China 2001, which was fun. But the real news around here is that we all have to get national ID cards by the New Year - a full documentation process including fingerprints and retinal scans that are tied to a single piece of plastic that will be used for everything from seeing a doctor to renewing your visa to leasing a car to getting admission to Wild Wadi. I'm pretty sure they won't let you buy milk or bread without producing your valid retinal scan. The main problem is that registering for an appointment online is impossible since telling several million people that they have to register online for an appointment within 2 months usually tends to.. well... crash the site. So, we may be in bureaucratic limbo for awhile, and might have to live on carpet fiber for a couple of months in the meantime. All in good fun, though.

1 comment:

emmo said...

Dude. I don't know if you're trying to imply that Gilmore Girls isn't totally and completely awesome, but if you are then you're sorely mistaken, my friend... (At least about the first 4 seasons, anyway...)