Monday, May 26, 2008

Dr. Jones! Dr. Jones!

Alicia here. Today after work, Dan and I went over to the Grand Sahara to take in the 18:00 showing of Grandpa and the Hidden Jewels- er, eh, "Indiana Jones 4".  It was AWESOME!  Old Man Ford did a bunch of awesome stunts, including getting blown up in a nuclear blast in the Nevada desert.  (He survived, obviously). 

Did you know that they assign seats in the move theater in the Grand Cinema in the UAE? I've never heard of such a thing. But there were only about 6 people in the theater so we got to pick great seats. Before the show we had time to stop for some diet pepsi and Indian food and, by golly, by the end of the night I could have sworn it was high school 1953. Nothing like a nice wholesome soda pop and a PG-13 movie with the swearing cut out to make you feel young again. 

1 comment:

emmo said...

They do the assigned-seating thing at the big movie theaters here in Melbourne, too. It seemed weird at first, but it's quite nice to be able to get your ticket early and know that you have a good seat lined up without having to go sit in the actual seat super-early...