Saturday, November 8, 2008

Into the desert

So admittedly, my posts have been a little sparse lately, mostly because we've been having so gosh-darn much fun around here. Keeps a girl busy. To the updates - first and foremost, I implore you to examine the following photograph, taken from our balcony. Notice anything suspicious?

Take a look at the street sign which is half-covered in the lower-right-hand corner. If you look closely enough, you'll see a couple directional arrows pointing both straight and left. Now look up the road. Do you see anywhere to go straight or turn left? Mmmhmm. That's exactly what I said. Conclusion? Our neighborhood will soon be linked to that neighborhood over there by a brand new intersection. I'll put up another picture when it's done.

In other news, we did this on Friday:

Dune-bashing!! Hooray!! Talk about FUN. I think the only thing I've done that's more fun is skydive. To get better insight than a photo can give, visit Emmo and scroll down the page to the video and press play. Then come back here.

Next up, camel riding at sunset. Mmmm, camels.

After that, some henna in the desert safari camp.

Beautiful! While the henna dries, it's time to drink a bunch of fruit beers and dance our arses off with a scary-looking belly dancer. Wooo!

1 comment:

Max Power said...

Watching Stanley dance is oddly hypnotic. Like an autumn leaf falling to earth... flitting this way and that. Look at those lightning feet!