Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Unimportant Stuff

I just read this interesting article from the Washington Post about how people tend to blog/journal about things they think are important, and they might be overlooking things that are enlightening or interesting because they think those things aren't important. So I decided, as an intellectual exercise, to try to list a few things that happened today that I think aren't important at all, and see if I still feel the same way in a few days.

1. Lost Dan's cellphone somewhere in the house, tried to use my cellphone to call and locate it, realized my cellphone was also missing. Found my cellphone on the computer, called Dan's cellphone, found it in the closet.

2. Had a long conversation at work today w/ colleague about the merits of Hindi movies and the bizarre popularity of Sharu Khan- grr, oops ... that's somewhat important... think think think.... ok, got it, left my laptop in Priya's file cabinet because I was too lazy to walk back upstairs to my desk.

3. This is harder than it seems.

4. Collected money on a shared taxi-ride that I fronted for someone a couple weeks ago.

5. Took a detour on the walk home from work because the street was dug up for construction.

6. Used rudimentary knowledge of arabic alphabet to figure out where to shelve a magazine.

7. Read a couple chapters of Cryptonomicon.

We'll see how this all shakes out.


Heidi said...

That is an interesting article, Alicia, but I came to different conclusions.

It seemed to be about people who need to data-fy their life in order to know themselves. There are other ways to make your perceptions about yourself more truthful without going to that extreme.

I could see taking data temporarily for specific reasons for better time management. I love the joke at the end....that's a bigger algorithm. Sometimes we just need to take some time for a smile.

I do want to hear about the things you do that you think unimportant though...things about life in Dubai...same, or different than here.

Alicia said...

Taking data to that level of minutia is something that, while I'm interested, I'm like Stanley: So Not Self-Disciplined Enough.