Sunday, August 17, 2008

Reality Check

Alicia here. OK so, I'm back at work now, and it kind of reminds me of the first day of school after summer break. It's like, all exciting in theory, but then you get there and remember that you're going to have to do homework and stuff, and your friends are there and all, but they'll have to do homework too, and you discover that your favorite liaison department got yanked from you and given to someone else, which is sort of disappointing. And, as hard you try to give the new people a good impression, you have to listen to other people all day tell them how much the traffic/bureaucracy/weather/taxis/insert-complaint-here sucks in Dubai. Which, FYI, it doesn't. There are some people who just, I think, get some kind of bizarre camaraderie feeling out of group-complaining about targets that can't respond. So, my balloon is a little deflated. I hardly have the energy to sit through another day of it, really. So, I'm just going to have to bury my nose in my homework and try not to be bothered by that which I cannot control.


emmo said...

Sounds like it would be extra-awesome, then, if you could get a week off to come to Thailand... I've still got my fingers crossed, even if it's a long shot... ;-)

Alicia said...

thanks :)

Max Power said...

Hang in there, kid. The first couple weeks are always the roughest.