Alicia here. Spent some more time putzing around dirt lanes and winding paths through some Indian jungle on the motorbike today. Yesterday while swimming in the sea, Dan experienced a sharp circular pain about the ankle which he feared might be a jellyfish. Today, about a mile North, we wandered along the beach and saw about 50,000 dead jellyfish washed up along the shore. In retrospect, I think he got off lightly. It looked just like this:

Which, so far as I can tell, is a portuguese man-o-war. But the ones we saw were all pretty small, and man-o-war's are supposed to have an average tentacle length of 3 feet. So I feel like it couldn't have been those. But... maybe they were. Either way, I think we'll stay out of the water for now.
Please, please tell me you peed on his leg... just in case.
Well, come on, that's a given.
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