Sunday, June 22, 2008

The American Medical Conspiracy is Similar to the American Mechanical Conspiracy

Ok I don't really believe there is an American mechanical conspiracy, I really do believe full well in the power of capitalism to bring me the best products and services at the lowest prices, and I simply acknowledge that I've never been able to have my a/c serviced for less than $150 before and yesterday at the petrol station it cost me (along with replacement of a high side service valve) a mere $45. The American medical conspiracy, on the other hand, is less like an orchestrated conspiracy and more like just a generally bad system that nobody has the power to change. Why are we required to pay $1500 an hour to see a doctor who will grant us access to the 600-milligram ibuprofen? Nobody knows. What I do know, though, is that the gas-station garage a block from my house is going to be a God-send.  They say: bring us the parts from the Seat company, and we will fix your car. AND, we'll charge you almost nothing for it!  Successfully getting your car repaired in a foreign country is really a great thing; it provides a feeling of well-being and general competence, as well as reassurance that you really LIVE HERE NOW. 


emmo said...

Just curious if the gay porn image that currently appears with this post is intentional... (I'm guessing "no," but I could be wrong...)

Anonymous said...

Uh no. When viewed from our end it's a kid with a hat that's saying "it's a conspiracy". Wow. Is my face red.

emmo said...

I see the kid with the hat when I'm at home, but gay porn when I look at your blog from my work computer... When I first saw it I thought to myself "Hmmm... I guess they're taking the blog in a new direction!"... then I saw that it really didn't go with the post... ;-D

Anonymous said...
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Max Power said...

Awww, I missed out on gay porn? I'm disappointed (and vaguely aroused / curious).