After a mere 8 weeks of improvising in the kitchen with 1 pot, 1 bowl and 1 package of plastic sporks, my boat from America has arrived bearing all of my worldly goods and supplies. Out with the plastic, in with the real-live genuine cutlery. Of course, until next weekend, my goods and supplies will remain packed in boxes. But - the finish line is within sight. I lost several sporks just last week due to breakage while trying to stir a container of organic peanut butter (you know, the kind that separates), and as of yesterday was down to just one. I was starting to get worried I'd have to buy a whole new package.
The delivery of my goods was quite smooth - as promised, they cleared customs, delivered to my residence, unwrapped, and hauled away excess packing material. The best part was that they didn't hold my stuff hostage and screw me with hidden port fees and handling charges and all that nonsense. Total cost on delivery? $0. Dream come true. If anybody needs to move overseas, use Meyer's Van Lines to arrange it. So far in life, this holds true: I've never been wronged by a Meyer. The handling company on this side was ISS Worldwide. Also, although the packages were clearly opened and inspected, UAE customs did not confiscate my bible, nor did they confiscate a comprehensive instructional manual on effective gambling. I have yet to see whether my kitchen spices got through.
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