Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eid Mubarak

We've made it to Eid holiday: 9 days of pure, uninterrupted... well, not exactly relaxation. To do;

Day 1: Shopping. Need a de-humidifier, an Oman/UAE travel book, a can of Comet, and a resupply of vacuum bags. Travel to cargo village to retrieve box of survival equipment Emily shipped us.

Day 2:
a) Hair appointment - the first in over 6 months. I'll post pictures. I'm going to try a place called Fadi Chedid, which looks way too fashionable for me, but the price is right. Plus, this guy Fadi looks like someone I wouldn't mind gazing at in a mirror for a couple of hours. Pics at .
b) Lunch at Glasshouse with the birthday girl - Ms. Priya. We'll be expanding her culinary world with an introduction to some food which is not Indian.

Day 3: Shopping at the outlet mall with one galpal, or driving up to the Northern beach with another? My datebook is strained. The results, no one knows.

Day 4: Snorkeling near Fjords in Oman. Oh yes, Fjords in Oman - "Norway of the Middle East."

Day 5: Drop Dan at the Gulf Air terminal for a flight to beautiful Thailand. Tell myself over and over again that the Fjords compete.

Days 6-8: Pile a few friends into the car and head for the desert, destination flexible.

Day 9: Laundry

We'll see how it all shakes out.

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