Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An Explanation of Embarcation

Here's a good question: Why move to the United Arab Emirates? There are many pros and cons. Here are some that I thought of:

1. Tax-free salary
2. Sunny every day
3. Meet new people with broader points of view
4. Easily ignore the US media
5. Cheap shawarma
6. Roger Federer likes to visit

1. Football starts at 1am
2. Gambling illegal
3. Have to find a new hairdresser

As you can see, there are many dimensions to consider here. Of course, the only reason I started considering these factors in the first place is because I was offered a job - a great, exciting, challenging, growth-potential job- doing something I like with people I like. File that one in the Pro column.

I'm sure there are many Pros and Cons that I'm not even aware of yet. I'll have to add to the list once I get there. I had some new ones today, arising from the preparations phase of the trip.

Sleeping in on days I've taken off from work to pack

Too much work to do to be able to sleep in

Good packing energy as a result of excellent new Radiohead album gifted to me by Robert and Liz. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

SingerMamaMelody said...

Hi Alicia & Dan!

Alicia, your mom let me know about your blog. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures! Auntie Dar told me about the upcoming move - how exciting for you both. I hope that it is a great experience for you. I'm happy that you found something in your field, and I'm sure your horizions will definitely be broadened.

Much love,
Cousin Melody